In- Home Counseling FAQ

1. What does the In-Home session consist of?

  • The first session is never conducted in the home. The therapist and that client both have to agree that In-home sessions are appropriate and the best option. After the initial appointment, the client and therapist will discuss future options to determine if virtual/In-home/ or Office visits work best. Or a combination of all three. The home visit will be conducted just as an office visit.

2. Does the counseling session have to take place in the same place every time?

  • The counseling session should take place in the same location in the house every time, whether that be the living room or the kitchen.

3. Are the In-Home sessions more expensive than the office or virtual sessions?

  • All the sessions are the same price that is agreed upon by the therapist and client. The location of the visit does not matter.

4. Here is a link that answers the following questions:


Virtual Counseling FAQ

1. What does a Virtual Session look like?

  • The program used is GoToMeeting. This program allows the therapist to create and host meeting with clients. The appropriate training in this program has been taken.The therapist would schedule the meeting and send an invitation for the client to join the therapist at the scheduled time. Before starting the meeting the session will have to be paid in full through PayPal. The therapist will also send a link to the client to pay for services.

2. What services can you provide with virtual counseling?

  • The therapist can provide the same services online and in person. However, some topics and issues are better discussed in person and the therapist and client can discuss what the concerns are and the best method of providing services. For example, daily check-in’s (different from 50-minute session, different price), Helping to alleviate a panic attack. However, someone dealing with PTSD and is in a crisis would do better with in person visits.

3. What about confidentiality?

  • This program is completely confidential and follows the HIPPA laws.

4. Can I provide out of state services to someone out of state?

  • The therapist, if not licensed in that state, can only provide coaching and not counseling.

5. What is the difference between coaching and counseling?

  • Coaching: Provides a distinct service that helps clients work on their goals for the future and create a new path. Coach and client relationships are more collegial/friendly in nature.

  • Counseling: Provides services that examine the past in order to open the heart for the present and future. Counselors, look for solutions to emotional concerns often giving a diagnosis which is required by insurance companies.